Intersolar Innovation & Application Stage - Thursday, August 29

Thursday, August 29, 2024

02:00 pm - 05:45 pm
Expo Center Norte, blue Pavillon
Intersolar Innovation & Application Stage (B3.101)

On all three exhibition days, Intersolar Innovation & Application Stage offer visitors a comprehensive program, showcasing various aspects of the renewable energy sector by supporters, sponsors and exhibitors.

02:00 pm - 02:45 pmHow to calculate the viability of hybrid systems

With hybrid systems we are opening a new era in the solar energy segment. In countries like Germany, this technology has already become standard.
The equipment is available and is being widely offered. However, there are few answers about the economic viability of these systems, even though the investment in batteries is still considerable.
Many calculations start from an estimated percentage of simultaneity, which has proven to be unreliable. Therefore, we will present a method for sizing optimized storage, based on a detailed simulation.
The objective is to achieve the best financial result.

Speaker: Hans Rauschmayer, managing director of Solarize Treinamentos Profissionais

03:00 pm - 03:45 pmCertifications and Rankings in the Photovoltaic Industry: Why They Matter

With a keen focus on BNEF Tier 1, PVTech and PVEL reports, EUPD Research top brands, and other key indicators, the talk aims to clarify how these systems work and underscore their significance. From enhancing credibility and quality assurance to guiding investment decisions and driving innovation, the discussion highlights why staying informed about these certifications and rankings is crucial for players across the renewable energy spectrum.

Rafael Xavier, Operation Manager, Sunova Solar

04:00 pm - 04:45 pmMethods of protecting Steel using Zinc


- Mention the characteristics of why zinc is an excellent protector of steel against corrosion

- Compare the different methods of protecting steel using zinc
- Clarify the differences between hot-dip batch galvanizing and the continuous sheet metal process

- Present successful cases in Brazil of hot-dip batch galvanizing

Christian Canales
Zinc Chain Institute
(Business Unit Manager - bbosch Galvanizing)

05:00 pm - 05:45 pmSolar Panel Efficiency

Discussion of the current efficiency limits of photovoltaic materials and ongoing research to improve them. Recent developments in technologies such as solar cells and multilayers.

Bruno Barbosa, CEO Sirius

Further Content
Renewable Energy Jobs in Brazil - Career Opportunities and Challenges

October 24, 2024

New energy sources require not only new equipment and innovative technologies. They also require people to operate them. To properly utilize the new energy sources, the largest expected job gains are in electrical efficiency, power generation, and the automotive sector.

Márcio Takata, Greener

CEO & Board Member / Conselheiro of ABSOLAR


CEO of GREENER, a Research and Investment Strategies company focused on Energy Transition. Since 2007, has been involved in structuring more competitive and sustainable businesses with a focus on the Storage, Distributed and Centralized Solar Energy chain. Member of the Board of Directors of ABSOLAR, Marcio is engineer from the Polytechnic School of USP - University of São Paulo - and an MBA from INSPER and has served as a professor in different postgraduate programs in topics related to energy and sustainability.

Emerson Viana de Oliveira, Comerc Energia

Project Manager


Emerson Viana Oliveira has a Master's degree in Systems and Process Engineering and Management, an MBA in Competitive Management and a degree in Civil Engineering. Solar Project Manager at Comerc Energia, responsible for the construction of the UFV Hélio Valgas Solar Complex, the 5th largest photovoltaic plant in Brazil and the 3rd largest in Minas Gerais. He has 29 years' experience in managing large-scale infrastructures in Brazil, Peru, Portugal and Africa. He teaches postgraduate courses at PUC and IETEC MG, specializing in Planning, Budget and Cost Engineering.

Marilia Braga, Fotovoltaica-UFSC



Marília Braga has been a researcher at the Fotovoltaica-UFSC research group for 10 years, where she works with Prof. Dr. Ricardo Rüther with data analysis and design of photovoltaic and energy storage systems for grid-connected and off-grid applications. Marília has experience in all stages of the development of photovoltaic systems, from sizing, simulation and design, to performance analysis, having participated in commissioning and fault detection activities of more than 300 MWp of utility-scale PV plants. Additionally, in the Fotovoltaica-UFSC group, Marília helps coordinate the team and participates in research projects in the areas of battery energy storage, electric vehicles, and the production of green hydrogen. Marília is also the former treasurer and current vice-president of ABENS, the Brazilian Solar Energy Society

Lucas do Espírito Santo Fernandes, SENAI CIMATEC

Renewable Energy Specialist


Lucas Fernandes is a specialist at SENAI CMATEC in the energy generation, transmission and distribution sector. He works with prospecting and developing RD&I projects in the electricity sector. He has knowledge in the areas of Renewable Energies, the Free Energy Market, Modernization of the electricity sector and electricity networks of the future. He has worked in the Subtransmission area at Neoenergia Coelba on substation projects.

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