Graziella Albuquerque

Job Title
Coordinator of Institutional and Government Relations

Graziella Albuquerque has a degree in Environmental Management with an extension in Community-Based Environmental Education and Political Ecology in Latin America from UNIRIO. She has been trained in International Negotiations by Oxford University and the Global Youth Coalition. She is a member of YOUNGO UNFCCC and has already served as Brazil's official UN delegate at the Youth Climate Conference (COY17) and as a Youth Press Agency writer at COP27, both events held in Egypt. She currently holds the position of Institutional and Government Relations Coordinator at Revolusolar, where she contributes to advancing solar energy initiatives in low-income communities.

August 27, 2024Solar Energy for Sustainable Community Development

Sessions Further Content
Press Release
Reflecting the advances made by renewable energy in Brazil, The smarter E South America 2024 has surpassed the 650 exhibitors mark, growing by more than 20% over last year’s edition

September 2, 2024

This year’s edition of The smarter E South America, LATAM’s Largest Platform for the New Energy and Mobility World, wound up on last Thursday 29th after featuring 650+ exhibitors and welcoming around 55,000 visitors from 50 countries and more than 2,500 attendees to its four parallel conferences delivered by more than 172 global decision-makers spanning the whole renewable energy supply chain.

The smarter E Podcast
Episodes of The smarter E Podcast

For and with the creators of the new energy world.

A new podcast episode is published every Thursday. Browse the complete list of episodes.

Event Info
About Intersolar South America | Impressions

August 26–28, 2025

LATAM’s Largest Platform for the New Energy and Mobility World

Here you will find the announcements that have been provided to the Press Agency of the event by our exhibitors.
Exhibitor News


Dr. Rodrigo Sauaia, ABSOLAR



Rodrigo Lopes Sauaia is co-founder and CEO of ABSOLAR (Brazilian Solar Photovoltaic Energy Association), the national association representing Brazilian solar PV companies and professionals. He is co-founder and a governing board member of the GSC (Global Solar Council), a non-profit body representing regional and national solar associations on international issues. Rodrigo holds a PhD in Materials Engineering and Technology from PUC-RS (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul), a Master's degree in Renewable Energies from Loughborough University (UK), a bachelor's degree in Chemistry from USP (São Paulo University), and has collaborated with the Fraunhofer Institut für Solare Energiesysteme (Germany) and with ETH Zürich (Switzerland).

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