Marília Rabassa

Job Title
Head of Consulting Services
CELA - Clean Energy Latin America

Head of Consulting Services at CELA, specialist in project financing, investment analysis, M&A and business development in the renewable energy sector. She has 13 years of professional experience, having participated in several M&A processes and auctions of renewable energy assets in Brazil and Latin America, in addition to the development, evaluation and financing of several Greenfield & Brownfield projects, mainly in the bioenergy sectors, photovoltaic solar energy, wind energy, green hydrogen and energy storage. She is coordinator of the ABSOLAR Green Hydrogen Working Group. She has a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from FGV-EAESP and an MBA in Business in the Electrical Sector from FGV.

August 28, 2024Overview of Self-Production Contracts and Main Drivers for Consumers

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